Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Child

Check out Anton’s Lane in the current issue of My Child Magazine (issue 17 winter 2010) – in stores now!  A BIG thank you to eco child for helping to organise our inclusion in this fantastic mag.

My Child Cover - Copy


Rug up in Anton’s Lane retro this winter

My Child Antons Lane p56 - Copy

A little closer so you can read it :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Supporting Humpty Dumpty…

Earlier this month Anton’s Lane was very excited to be given the opportunity to support the wonderful Humpty Dumpty FoundationThe Humpty Dumpty Foundation raises money to support Paediatric Services and Newborn Care Centres in purchasing much needed medical equipment…they provide support to 60 children’s hospitals and health services across Australia and two in East Timor.     

Humpty’s Hike 2010 will see 100 women conquer Mt Kosciuszko…with all funds raised going to the Humpty Dumpty FoundationAnton’s Lane “Forest Play Wall Art” was auctioned at a Humpty Dumpty “Garden Party” to help raise funds for Leah Rigney’s humpty hike. The Garden Party helped raise a very impressive $4500 for the Humpty Dumpty foundation.

humpty dumpty_1

humpty dumpty_2

Anton’s Lane wall art in the silent auction!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Anton’s Lane in the Brisbane News

Each week I so look forward to receiving my copy of the Brisbane News.  So you can imagine my excitement upon opening last weeks copy to find Anton’s Lane featured in the interior section.  It was such a wonderful review I was literally speechless…

Brisbane News front

Brisbane News page 39_1

Brisbane News page 39_2